Butter, Cholesterol & Baby Brain Development: The Truth About Healthy Fats

A concerned parent reading baby food labels, questioning what’s really inside.

As parents, we're often bombarded with conflicting advice about what's best for our children's health. One pervasive myth is that consuming butter leads to high cholesterol, increasing the risk of heart disease and obesity later in life. Let's delve into this topic to uncover the truth and understand why butter can be a beneficial addition to your baby's diet.


Debunking the Myth: Butter and Cholesterol

The belief that dietary cholesterol directly translates to elevated blood cholesterol levels and heart disease has been widely challenged in recent years. Research indicates that for most individuals, the cholesterol found in food has a minimal impact on blood cholesterol levels. Instead, factors such as genetics, overall diet quality, and lifestyle play more significant roles.


The Role of Fats in Early Childhood Development

Fats are essential for infants and young children, playing a crucial role in brain development, hormone production, and overall growth. The World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes the importance of adequate nutrition during the first two years of life, highlighting that optimal nutrition during this period lowers morbidity and mortality, reduces the risk of chronic disease, and fosters better development overall. (Source)

Let’s look at what your baby’s body is actually doing in these first few years…

The least developed organ at birth is the brain. Human babies are born early compared to other mammals—because if we waited any longer, birth would be impossible due to head size. At birth, your baby’s brain is just 25% of its adult size. By age 3, it will have grown to 80%, and by age 5, nearly 90%. (Source)

🚨 Here’s the truth no one talks about: Your baby isn’t just learning—they are physically building their brain. And what is the brain made of? Fat.

🧠 Brain cells are built from phospholipids*—specialised fats that form the structure of the brain and allow neurons to connect.

❌ If your baby doesn’t get enough fat during this critical window, they are literally building a weaker brain.

This isn’t just about nutrition. It’s about giving your baby the raw materials they need to create strong, healthy neural pathways.

So when you hear outdated advice like “avoid fat” or “stick to low-fat options for heart health,” ask yourself:

💡 Does it make any sense to deprive a developing brain of what it is physically made from?

🔥 The right fats aren’t a luxury. They’re a necessity. 

Moreover, the American Academy of Family Physicians advises that fat intake should not be limited before 12 months of age due to its importance in neurological development. Between one and three years of age, fat can be safely limited to 30% to 40% of total daily energy intake. (Source)


Understanding Cholesterol's Function

Cholesterol is often demonised, but it's vital for several bodily functions, including:

  • Brain Development: Cholesterol is a fundamental component of brain tissue, aiding in cognitive development.
  • Hormone Production: It's a building block for hormones such as estrogen and testosterone.
  • Cell Structure: Cholesterol maintains cell membrane integrity, ensuring proper cell function.

Notably, breast milk naturally contains cholesterol, underscoring its importance in early development.


Butter as a Source of Healthy Fats

Butter, especially when sourced from grass-fed cows, provides a range of beneficial nutrients:

  • Vitamins: Rich in fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, which are essential for various bodily functions.
  • Butyrate: A short-chain fatty acid that supports gut health and reduces inflammation.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Grass-fed butter contains higher levels of omega-3s, which are beneficial for heart and brain health.


What Truly Contributes to Heart Disease and Obesity?

🚨 Let’s get real—heart disease and obesity don’t come from butter. They come from the ultra-processed, inflammatory, chemical-laden foods that babies and toddlers are fed every single day.


🍼 What’s actually harming our children’s health?

Formula “fortified” with synthetic oils & processed sugars. (Yes, many formulas contain corn syrup, palm oil, and other inflammatory additives. And there IS a better way to choose better formals which I share inside the Food Pillar of the Reflux-Free Framework)

Cereals & baby rusks made from ultra-processed grains. (White rice & wheat stripped of all nutrients, “enriched” with synthetic vitamins to make up for what’s been lost. And don’t get me started on folic acid… I’ll soon publish the blog on that and why it’s the wrong thing for 40% of babies)

❌ Pouches of fruit purée marketed as ‘healthy’. (Highly processed, sugar-loaded, and designed to train your baby’s taste buds to crave sweetness over real food.)

❌ Low-fat dairy & “kid-friendly” yogurts. (Packed with artificial flavorings, preservatives, and more sugar than a doughnut.)

❌ Seed oils in EVERYTHING. (Vegetable oils like canola / rapeseed & heat-processed sunflower—used in baby snacks, crackers, and even “healthy” toddler meals—are highly inflammatory and disrupt metabolic health.)

🔥 And yet, parents are told to avoid natural fats like butter?

💡 Let’s flip this narrative:

✔ Your baby’s brain is built from fat. (As is yours)

✔ Their metabolism thrives on real, unprocessed foods.

✔ Butter, animal fats, and whole, nutrient-dense foods have nourished human babies for centuries—without obesity epidemics.

🚨 The real culprits behind childhood metabolic issues aren’t traditional, natural foods. They’re the “modern replacements” that are cheap, convenient, and highly profitable for the food industry.

So if you’re worried about your baby’s long-term health, don’t cut out butter. Cut out the ultra-processed, sugar-laden, chemically engineered “kid-friendly” junk that’s designed to keep them hooked for life.

💡 Your baby’s body isn’t broken. The food system is.

👉 So, if we know what’s truly harming our children’s health, what’s the alternative?

💡 It’s time to bring back the real, whole foods that babies were designed to thrive on—including butter.


Incorporating Butter into Your Baby's Diet

Introducing butter to your baby's meals can be done safely and healthily:

  • Choose Quality: Opt for organic, grass-fed butter to maximize nutrient intake, ideally unsalted. The quality of salt used in butter making is not what we would ideally like it to be. And keep an eye out for my upcoming butter recipe for you to make your own cost effective organic salted butter!
  • Moderation is Key: While beneficial, butter should be part of a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods… that said, remember fats should be 30-35% of your baby’s energy intake.
  • Monitor for Allergies: As with any new food, introduce butter gradually and observe for any adverse reactions. The likelihood of an allergy reaction to butter is extremely slim as it is less than 0.01% protein (what causes allergy reactions) and has zero carbs in it!



The outdated notion that butter leads to high cholesterol and subsequent heart disease doesn't hold up against current scientific understanding. In fact, butter can be a valuable addition to your child's diet, providing essential fats and nutrients crucial for development. As always, focus on a balanced diet rich in whole foods to support your child's health and well-being.

💡 The truth is, what you feed your baby now doesn’t just impact today—it shapes their entire future.

✔ Their brain development.
✔ Their gut health & digestion.
✔ Their ability to sleep well & regulate their nervous system.
✔ Their relationship with food as they grow.

🚨 The problem? Most parents are unknowingly making choices based on marketing, not biology. The food industry isn’t here to nourish your child—it’s here to sell products. And your medical professionals are not trained in nutrition either, so their information comes mostly from big Food and big Pharmaceutical companies.

But you get to choose differently.

That’s exactly why I created the Food Pillar —to give parents the knowledge & confidence to nourish their baby properly, from the very start. This is one of the 4 pillars of the Reflux-Free Framework and is all about how you support your baby to minimise allergens, allow them to sleep comfortably, and choose the foods that will help them thrive.

Inside, I’ll teach you:

🥑 How to choose the right foods for each stage of development—so your baby’s body gets what it actually needs.
🌿 Which foods support deep, restorative sleep (yes, nutrition impacts sleep more than you think!).
🍼 How to avoid common feeding mistakes that disrupt digestion, energy levels, and long-term health.

Because raising a healthy child isn’t about following trends—it’s about understanding what truly supports their development.

🔥 Ready to learn how to feed your baby in a way that actually supports their growth, sleep, and long-term health?



* Phospholipids are essential components of brain cell membranes, forming lipid bilayers that provide structural integrity and facilitate neural communication. They are ubiquitous in every cell in the brain, playing a crucial role in maintaining membrane structure and function. (Source)

One key phospholipid, phosphatidylethanolamine, constitutes about 45% of all phospholipids in nervous tissue, including the brain, nerves, and spinal cord. (Source)

Additionally, lipids, including phospholipids, are major components of brain tissue, comprising approximately 35-40% of the neuron-rich gray matter.

Therefore, adequate intake of dietary fats is vital during early development to support the formation and maintenance of these essential brain structures.

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